Google is not your traditional company. For example, the first doodle of Google is a burning man. This was in 1998 and it was a message to let the people know that Brin and Page, the founders of Google are at the Nevada festival. Instead of traditional lawn mowers, Google rents goats from a grazing company to mow the lawns in their company headquarters. And during the time when Google was nothing more than a research project, the storage compartment for their 10 4 GB hard drive was Lego bricks. These hard drives were the ones the company used in testing PageRank algorithm. Despite all these if you have a website, you cannot ignore Google and Google rankings. If you have a website, especially if your site is related to your business or the business itself, you know that your rank in Google can make or break your company. This is the reason why you need search engine optimization now more than ever. If you are not familiar with the importance of SEO, here are three search engine facts that you should know.
First, 42 percent of users visit the highest ranking organic search results. This means that when it comes to getting more visitors to the site, you need to have good search engine rankings. Even if you have the best product or service, you cannot possibly compete with companies that have high search engine ranking. This is simply because your market can see them while your site is way down the list of the result which users do not bother to see. Search engine optimization is therefore the only way for you to have higher search engine ranking. With a reliable search engine company you can have consistently good rankings. Eventually you will attract more and more customers which you can then turn to loyal and purchasing customers.
Second, according to 57 percent of B2B marketers, when it comes to lead generation, SEO has the highest influence. In other words search engine optimization is now becoming more effective than traditional advertising and marketing. If you want actions from your customers, then you need to make sure that your site is optimized and you need to make sure that the search engine optimization company that you hire is also an expert in online marketing or internet marketing.
Third, search engine optimization is not just getting higher ranking and leads. It can be used in communicating with your customers or market. And with the right communication, you can actually strengthen your brand. Effective search engine optimization companies are able to make the right content for their clients. These contents can be anything from resources, articles and information about the company and the product or service. Given the right content, you can therefore use your website in ensuring that your brand is strong enough to meet the short term and long term goals of your company.