Focus on These 2 Things for Successful Online Marketing

Seo blogs

Is your company doing online marketing? If not, you could be seriously losing out on a lot of potential business and money. Yes, you really could be.

It is estimated that there are over 100 billion online searches conducted each month, and around 92 percent of adults in the US perform at least one online search per day. Those are people who could be searching for your business, if you were doing online marketing.

If you want to start taking advantage of internet marketing, you should start with Search Engine Optimization. Around 57 percent of business to business marketers claim SEO is the biggest influence on lead generation.

This is especially important because Google now receives between 65 to 70 percent of all search engine traffic. That is huge!

Which is why search engine ranking is so important for businesses who are online. It does not help to have a great website or blog if no one is visiting it.

But when you are using SEO keywords and ranking higher in the search engines, then traffic will organically be sent to your website, and you can sell products or services, educate people on why they should buy from you, and give them something they can not get anywhere else.

Next you should consider mobile marketing. This is important because around 48 percent of people with mobile devices say they use this device to look up information about products they are interested in buying, as well as reviews of the products.

If you are not doing online marketing right now, you are stuck in the old days. Join this century by hoping on board the internet marketing train.


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