Obtaining high search engine rankings with the help of a dedicated online marketing firm is something that could benefit almost every business with a website. When one takes a moment to realize that an amazing 92 percent of adults in the U.S. perform at least one search on a search engine each day, the benefits of having a high rank in search engines becomes obvious. Finding the right online marketing firm could be the best thing for those companies struggling to increase their visibility.
A top rated online marketing firm could gear their clients websites so that they are easily seen by people no matter what kind of monitor they may be using to surf the web with. At the end of 2012, over 70 million individuals had used a tablet, cellphone or other mobile device to shop on the internet with. Having a website that is not easily seen on a mobile device could severely hamper a companies chances of success.
The most professional online marketing firm will know the value of high Google rankings. Google regularly receives between 65 and 70 percent of the search engine market share on the internet. While Bing and Yahoo do well, Google is still the king of the internet search. With PPC and SEO blogs, companies could give their clients a much bigger chance of attracting new leads.
Outbound leads have a close rate of approximately 1.7 percent , while those leads that are generated by SEO have a close rate of 14.6 percent . That kind of advantage is something that no business owner should pass up, especially if they are looking to introduce themselves to new customers en masse. With the right online marketing firm, a growth in visibility online can easily become a reality for anyone.
6 responses to “See What Professional Online Marketing Can Offer”
We have been looking to get new leads for a while, but have not tried SEO yet.
We have been looking to get new leads for a while, but have not tried SEO yet.
We have been looking to get new leads for a while, but have not tried SEO yet.
We have been looking to get new leads for a while, but have not tried SEO yet.
We have been looking to get new leads for a while, but have not tried SEO yet.
We have been looking to get new leads for a while, but have not tried SEO yet.