Use Google Rankings as Part of a Full Internet Marketing Plan

Search engine optimization

You may think your boss has some creative ways to let you know he will be out of the office; but it is probably a safe bet he or she never used a Google doodle. The first Google doodle was introduced in 1998 and depicted the famous Burning Man. It was to let the employees of Google know that co founders Page and Brin would be out of the office attending the famous Nevada festival. You can just imagine what that did for Google rankings!

Your company probably does not have the resources to create a Google doodle; however, you can use different processes and procedures to get higher Google rankings. You can get higher rankings through effective search engine optimization and other Internet marketing efforts.

Why is SEO important, and how does that affect your Google rankings? Well, leads that are generated through Seo marketing have an average of a 14.6 percent close rate. This is in comparison with a 1.7 percent close rate that is generated through outbound lead generation. Additionally, organic click through rates from Google rankings generate a 25 percent higher conversion rate than equivalent PPC or pay per click rankings.

While Google rankings are an important part of online marketing because Google holds between 65 and 70 percent of the search engine market share; that is not all there is to creating an effective digital marketing plan. Your site must also be optimized for mobile users, as well as having high Google rankings. About 65 percent of mobile Internet users indicate that they use their smart phone or tablet to find a local business in order to make a purchase. If your site is not optimized to these users, they will leave your site and this means you have lost a potential sale or future business.

You will need to create a marketing program that will let your site have prominent Google rankings, as well as implement other processes such as site optimization for mobile devices. This way you are ensured to have all of your bases covered, and through those Google rankings, you will be driving new business to your website, and subsequently your business.

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